Monday, December 17, 2012

The Final In-Patient Chemotherapy Session Jan 2-4 2013

WOW, A few weeks ago this time period seemed such a long way off. But now it is less than three weeks away. What, you might ask? Today marks the three weeks from my last in-patient chemotherapy session. Why is this such a big deal? Be cases it also marks the 1/3 of the way milestone through my ENTIRE chemotherapy sessions. I for one am overjoyed, by the milestone development. The drug that requires me to receive in-patient treatment will have run its course on Jan 2-4 2013. The drug cyclophosphamide will no longer be coursing through my veins, which means my kidneys and bladder will not be under continuous attack.

If feels so wonderful to know that God has been with me throughout this battle.  It feels even better to know that He has promised to be with be all the way through it. He even took It one step further and said that he is fighting this battle for me. And that is an all good, real God thing, because I couldn't even begin to fight this one on my own.

I have found out in this journey that when God gives you problems that you can't handle on your own. When the problem is even too big for your mother, father, brother, sister, uncles aunts, preachers, teachers, doctors, lawyers and friends, then that is when God wants you to turn the problem over to Him. He alone wants to work it out. He wants to get the Glory out of bringing you through and out of your circumstance. Once I let go and let GOD have this problem, I really stopped worrying about it. He freed me up to be able to other things like work on my M.Div. so I can really Honor Him the most. The same way that He has given me peace and clarity in this situation, He an will do the same for you. The question is, will you let HIM?